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Hear insights from CEOs on Six Minutes with... bi-weekly podcasts." }, {"id": 21, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Linux & Open Source","desc": "News, tips and legal issues" }, {"id": 22, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Unified Communications Alert","desc": "Unified messaging and communications analysis by consultant Michael Osterman." }, {"id": 23, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Novell NetWare Tips","desc": "Dave Kearns on everything Novell" }, {"id": 24, "lyris_id": "networkworld_security_identity_management_alert", "nl_name": "Security: Identity Management Alert","desc": "Dave Kearns provides the information you need to evaluate, install and maintain your corporate identity management system." }, {"id": 25, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Windows Networking Strategies","desc": "Tools for running Windows in networks" }, {"id": 26, "lyris_id": "networkworld_network_architecture_alert", "nl_name": "Network Architecture Alert","desc": "Site Editor Jeff Caruso helps you make sense of the evolving world of LANs and routers." }, {"id": 27, "lyris_id": "networkworld_cool_tools_alert", "nl_name": "Cool Tools Alert","desc": "Reviews and advice on what the road warrior should carry" }, {"id": 28, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Wireless in the Enterprise","desc": "Industry analysis by expert Joanie Wexler, plus links to the day's wireless news headlines" }, {"id": 29, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Storage in the Enterprise","desc": "SAN, NAS, backup and recovery" }, {"id": 30, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Servers","desc": "Clustering, grids and blades" }, {"id": 31, "lyris_id": "networkworld_cool_tools_alert", "nl_name": "Security Strategies Alert","desc": "Mich Kabay takes a high-level view of security issues and provides resources to help safeguard your corporate and personal security." }, {"id": 32, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Security: Threat Alert","desc": "Jason Meserve provides up-to-the-minute news on vendor security alerts and fixes." }, {"id": 33, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Network/Systems Management","desc": "Market analysis by Network World Senior Editor Denise Dubie, plus the latest news headlines." }, {"id": 34, "lyris_id": "networkworld_web_applications_alert", "nl_name": "Web Applications Alert","desc": "Mark Gibbs shares Web site tips and provides advice on getting the most out of your apps." }, {"id": 35, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 36, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Service Provider News Report","desc": "Service news, trends and alerts" }, {"id": 37, "lyris_id": "networkworld_network_optimization_alert", "nl_name": "Network Optimization Alert","desc": "Associate News Editor Ann Bednarz covers the latest news on application acceleration, content delivery and more." }, {"id": 38, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 39, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Wide Area Networking","desc": "Insightful analysis by consultants Steve Taylor and Jim Metzler, plus links to the latest WAN news headlines" }, {"id": 40, "lyris_id": "networkworld_cloud_security_alert", "nl_name": "Cloud Security","desc": "Senior Editor Tim Greene clarifies issues surrounding the evolving NAC security architecture." }, {"id": 41, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Outsourcing","desc": "Contracting, ROI and SLAs" }, {"id": 42, "lyris_id": "networkworld_convergence_voip_alert", "nl_name": "Convergence & VoIP","desc": "VoIP, unified messaging, products and services" }, {"id": 43, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Optical Networking","desc": "News from the Internet core" }, {"id": 44, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "View from the Edge News Alert","desc": "Jim Duffy's insight into service provider news" }, {"id": 45, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Technology Executive Alert","desc": "Linda Musthaler's CIO-level look at the latest networking technologies and their benefits and pitfalls." }, {"id": 46, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 47, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "VORTEX Digest","desc": "The VORTEX Digest Newsletter alerts you to the latest insights from the VORTEX Blog. The Digest and Blog are authored by John Gallant, co-executive producer of the highly acclaimed VORTEX Conference." }, {"id": 48, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "SOHO Life","desc": "Two newsletters in one! Get tips and advice for home office workers (Sandra Gittlen's HomeBase) and learn about home networking device installations (Keith Shaw's HomeLAN Adventures)" }, {"id": 49, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 50, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "IT Careers and Training Alert","desc": "Senior Writer Jon Brodkin discusses IT career and education trends and issues." }, {"id": 51, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 52, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "","desc": "" }, {"id": 53, "lyris_id": "networkworld_product_central_alert", "nl_name": "Product Central Alert","desc": "Explore vendor resources on" }, {"id": 54, "lyris_id": "networkworld_whitepapers_download_alert", "nl_name": "Whitepapers Alert","desc": "The latest technical whitepapers" }, {"id": 55, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Net Know-It-All","desc": "Play and enter to win $500!" }, {"id": 56, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Branch Office Best Practices Alert","desc": "Delves into the issues vital to network managers who support branch offices and remote workers." }, {"id": 57, "lyris_id": "networkworld_small_business_technology_alert", "nl_name": "Small Business Technology Alert","desc": "James Gaskin helps small offices get the most out of technology" }, {"id": 58, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "IT Leadership Alert","desc": "Amy Schurr dispenses advice on managing human and capital assets for maximum ROI." }, {"id": 59, "lyris_id": "networkworld_data_center_alert", "nl_name": "Data Center Alert","desc": "The latest on grids, utility computing, blade servers and much more" }, {"id": 60, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "New Data Center Strategies","desc": "cutting-edge insight on deploying and managing data centers" }, {"id": 61, "lyris_id": "networkworld_webcast_alert", "nl_name": "Webcast Alert","desc": "View webcasts available on" }, {"id": 62, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Convergence & VoIP Alert","desc": "Steve Taylor and Larry Hettick offer news and analysis on the latest in IP convergence from fixed-mobile convergence, presence management, IP video and unified communications." }, {"id": 63, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Antispam News Alert","desc": "Messaging market analysis by consultant Michael Osterman, plus links to the day's unified communications news headlines" }, {"id": 64, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Network Life Line","desc": "Network Life Line- a comprehensive update that will keep you informed of the latest trends, tips and tests for the products that are enabling the connected home." }, {"id": 65, "lyris_id": "networkworld_wireless_alert", "nl_name": "Wireless Alert","desc": "Joanie Wexler looks at how enterprises can take advantage of wireless LANs and WANs." }, {"id": 66, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Network World Top 10","desc": "The most popular stories of the week" }, {"id": 67, "lyris_id": "", "nl_name": "Security in Practice","desc": "Practical advice and take-aways" }, {"id": 68, "lyris_id": "networkworld_linux_open_source_alert", "nl_name": "Linux & Open 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{"id": 75, "lyris_id": "networkworld_buzzblog_alert", "nl_name": "Buzzblog Alert","desc": "Paul McNamara's wry take on the day's buzziest buzz around the Web" }, {"id": 76, "lyris_id": "networkworld_virtualization_alert", "nl_name": "Virtualization Alert","desc": "The Network World Virtualization News Alert brings you a weekly digest of the latest news, analysis, views, and opinions about the growing world of virtualization." }, {"id": 77, "lyris_id": "networkworld_google_alert", "nl_name": "Google Alert","desc": "Our weekly Google News Alert provides you with a roundup of all the latest Google news headlines" }, {"id": 78, "lyris_id": "networkworld_it_roadmap_alert", "nl_name": "IT Roadmap Alert","desc": "IT Roadmap Alert is your monthly source for news, interviews and sponsor updates gathered from the IT Roadmap Conference & Expo series." }, {"id": 79, "lyris_id": "networkworld_dns_newsletter", "nl_name": "DNS: Domain Name System","desc": "DNS is not secure and extremely vulnerable and is at the core of every connection we make on the Internet. This newsletter provides deep insight DNS and offers ways to understand and mitigate risk with better management and control of your domain, email and DNS." }, {"id": 80, "lyris_id": "networkworld_it_best_practices_alert", "nl_name": "IT Best Practices","desc": "Get behind all of the buzzwords and tech-speak to what really matters in IT. This weekly newsletter by Essential Solutions takes a look at best practices and ways to exploit the latest technology advancements to your advantage. The alert also includes links to the latest news headlines about business trends." }, {"id": 81, "lyris_id": "networkworld_cloud_computing_alert", "nl_name": "Cloud Computing Alert","desc": "Many companies are still figuring out how and where cloud computing would work for them, and this newsletter will keep you in the loop on all of the latest developments of this emerging technology." }, ] } var groups = { "home": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 37}, {"id" : 81}, {"id" : 68} ], "security": [ {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 9}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 59} ], "lanwan": [ {"id" : 4}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 26}, {"id" : 74} ], "voip": [ {"id" : 42}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 9}, {"id" : 76} ], "infrastructuremgmt": [ {"id" : 3}, {"id" : 37}, {"id" : 76}, {"id" : 74} ], "wireless": [ {"id" : 65}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 76}, {"id" : 27} ], "software": [ {"id" : 5}, {"id" : 6}, {"id" : 68}, {"id" : 59} ], "datacenter": [ {"id" : 59}, {"id" : 81}, {"id" : 76}, {"id" : 74} ], "smb": [ {"id" : 57}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 81}, {"id" : 76} ], "careers": [ {"id" : 80}, {"id" : 17}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 9} ], "toolshed": [ {"id" : 27}, {"id" : 77}, {"id" : 81}, {"id" : 74} ], "buyersguides": [ {"id" : 15}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 81}, {"id" : 65} ], "community": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 17}, {"id" : 18}, {"id" : 65} ], "general": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 59}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 65} ], "nsm": [ {"id" : 3}, {"id" : 37}, {"id" : 76}, {"id" : 74} ], "cisco": [ {"id" : 6}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 77} ], "microsoft": [ {"id" : 5}, {"id" : 59}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 34} ], "google": [ {"id" : 77}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 2} ], "opensource": [ {"id" : 68}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 77} ], "netflash": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 6}, {"id" : 76} ], "columns": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 17}, {"id" : 18}, {"id" : 27} ], "blogs": [ {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 17}, {"id" : 75}, {"id" : 65} ], "podcasts": [ {"id" : 10}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 27}, {"id" : 68} ], "linuxworld": [ {"id" : 68}, {"id" : 76}, {"id" : 34}, {"id" : 10} ], "resourcelibrary": [ {"id" : 54}, {"id" : 61}, {"id" : 74}, {"id" : 80} ], "events": [ {"id" : 78}, {"id" : 20}, {"id" : 74} ] }