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Apple Orders 10 Million Tablets? Sound Fishy
Today'sApple tablet rumor has an optimistic zing to it--and maybe that's a great way to close out a dreary 2009. According to a blog post by former...
Mac sales to set another record, says analyst
Apple will report selling another record number of Macs in the final quarter of 2009 when it unveils its financial figures later this month, a Wall...
Jobs to unveil Apple tablet next month, ex-Google exec says
Steve Jobs plans to unveil Apple's much-hyped but still unconfirmed tablet device next month, and it will come with 3D graphics and a price tag below...
Information Security and Multi-Compliance Prescriptive Guide WHITE PAPER
It's not unusual for information security managers to be held responsible for situations where they have little control or influence in the rest of...
Radioshift 1.5 adds more stations, better streaming
If you weren't already overwhelmed by the colossal array of choices available on Internet radio, maybe you will be soon. Rogue Amoeba has released...
#'s top stories of 2009
It's that time of year where we venture down into the basement of the mighty Macworld industrial complex, to run maintenance tasks on the complex...
South Korea closes flash memory antitrust investigation
South Korea's Fair Trade Commission has closed an antitrust investigation of the flash memory industry, concluding that there is no evidence of a...
File Integrity Monitoring: Secure Your Virtual and Physical IT Environments WHITE PAPER
Learn how integrity monitoring software solutions enable IT organizations to achieve and maintain configuration control. Tripwire Enterprise is the...
More Reports Claim Apple Tablet Coming on January 26
Speculation continues to rev up that the mysterious Apple tablet is coming soon. More reports are saying that the Cupertino company has planned a...
4 reasons Apple will launch a tablet in 2010
It's the one product everyone just knows Apple will unveil in the coming year. It's also the one product no one really knows anything about.
Apple wins appeal of iPod hearing loss case
A federal appeals court on Wednesday upheld a lower court ruling that said Apple's iPod music players do not pose an unacceptable risk to users'...
Executive Guide - Perfecting Application Performance WHITE PAPER
The enterprise application scene has become increasingly complicated over the years. Things have changed with the rise of Web services, SOA,...
Bringing Macs into business: Real-life IT stories
Several companies share the lessons -- good and bad -- that they have learned
IT heresy revisited: Let users manage their own PCs
Large companies such as BP and Google are rethinking the idea of IT controlling users' computers and sharing their lessons from the frontlines
OS shoot-out: Windows vs. Mac OS X vs. Linux
2008 saw Windows' market share drop to less than 90 percent. Should you switch to Mac or Linux, too?
Partner Content

Gartner 2009 Magic Quadrant for Job Scheduling

Gartner has positioned BMC CONTROL-M in the Leaders Quadrant of their "2009 Magic Quadrant for Job Scheduling." The report assesses the ability to execute and completeness of vision of key vendors in the marketplace. Read a full copy today, courtesy of BMC Software.

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Read a compelling case study by EMA, Inc. to learn how Dell uses BMC CONTROL-M to cut cost and increase productivity with workload automation.

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Workload Automation Cost Savings 2 Minute Video

A major computer manufacturer uses BMC CONTROL-M and just four people to schedule and run over 85,000 jobs every month. By switching to BMC CONTROL-M, they more than quadrupled the workload without adding a single staff member.  See how in this 2-minute video overview.

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