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Sun, Fujitsu speed Sparc server
Sun and Fujitsu upgraded their Sparc Enterprise M3000 server, equipping it with newer hardware to deliver faster performance, the companies said on...
Via builds low-power server based on laptop chips
Via Technologies on Tuesday announced a compact home server that will be powered by low-power processors, which are traditionally designed to run in...
The other side of desktop virtualization
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. In our last newsletter we...
Increasing Data Center Efficiency by Using Improved High Density Power Distribution WHITE PAPER
A new approach to power distribution for high density server installations saves floor space, simplifies power cabling, saves capital cost, reduces...
The other side of desktop virtualization
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. In our last newsletter we...
Gov't brews national cloud for science
Australian scientists will have access to a multi-million dollar national cloud network and $50 million towards a petabyte supercomputer and data...
CES: Marvell sees fleet of Plug Computer-based products coming
Marvell Technology Group Ltd. showed off a new version of its tiny, green Plug Computer that boasts a much faster CPU.
Allocating data center energy costs and carbon to IT users WHITE PAPER
Are complicated software and instrumentation needed to measure and allocate energy costs and carbon to IT users? Or can we get by with simple, low...
The fractal data center
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. This is the third in a...
The fractal data center
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. This is the third in a...
The requirement for a dynamic IT infrastructure
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. This is the second in a...
Guidance for calculation of efficiency (PUE) in real data centers WHITE PAPER
Before data center infrastructure efficiency can be benchmarked using PUE or other metrics, there must be agreement on exactly what power...
The requirement for a dynamic IT infrastructure
In a recent newsletter we introduced the concept of Application Delivery 2.0, a major component of which is virtualization. This is the second in a...
2010 Outlook: Better than 2009 and moderately wild
Gibbs's editor asked him to get out his crystal ball and ponder the New Year. Cross his palm with silver and maybe he'll reveal the future …
Cautious optimism shapes new year
It's a new year and things are looking brighter, but there are some lingering clouds. And while the economy looks to be slowly mending, there's no...
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Gartner 2009 Magic Quadrant for Job Scheduling

Gartner has positioned BMC CONTROL-M in the Leaders Quadrant of their "2009 Magic Quadrant for Job Scheduling." The report assesses the ability to execute and completeness of vision of key vendors in the marketplace. Read a full copy today, courtesy of BMC Software.

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Dell's SMART Approach to Workload Automation

Read a compelling case study by EMA, Inc. to learn how Dell uses BMC CONTROL-M to cut cost and increase productivity with workload automation.

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Workload Automation Cost Savings 2 Minute Video

A major computer manufacturer uses BMC CONTROL-M and just four people to schedule and run over 85,000 jobs every month. By switching to BMC CONTROL-M, they more than quadrupled the workload without adding a single staff member.  See how in this 2-minute video overview.

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