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Storage Management Research Center

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Storage Management News
How to use Cloud Integrated Storage to support the distributed enterprise
Cloud-based or Cloud Integrated Storage (CIS) shifts the actual data storage away from the hardware to the cloud where it can be accessed by a new...
EMC bets on flash storage with ScaleIO buy
Boosting its portfolio of solid state storage technologies, EMC is acquiring ScaleIO, a purveyor of storage management software, for an undisclosed...
Nasuni's cool new feature: Manage worldwide data from a single screen
Nasuni, which offers cloud integrated storage, has a nifty new feature that lets global companies manage all of their data from around the world on a...
Profiling unstructured data to streamline storage management
New data profiling technology makes it possible for organizations to reclaim storage capacity, archive data with business value, delete aged and...
Profiling unstrucutred data to streamline storage management
New data profiling technology makes it possible for organizations to reclaim storage capacity, archive data with business value, delete aged and...
Getting the most out of flash storage
As powerful and beneficial as flash storage can be, many organizations are overspending on capacity they don't need, deploying flash in the wrong...
EMC's storage business keeps growing while net profit shrinks slightly
EMC reported first-quarter revenue rose 6 percent to US$5.39 billion, while net income fell about 1 percent year-over year to $580 million as costs...
Huawei leans on SAP to give enterprise push a boost
Huawei Technologies' enterprise division is ramping up its European presence, helped by the announcement this week that SAP has certified the...
Storage strategies for the brave new world
The enterprise storage picture is changing fast as resources are abstracted through virtualization, new computing options like cloud are embraced,...
LinkedIn open sources its database change capture system
OK, lots of interesting stuff for you this week. First up, LinkedIn has open sourced a system called Databus, a real-time database change capture...
Open source database change capture and open source low-cost, high-density data storage
OK, lots of interesting stuff for you this week. First up, LinkedIn has open sourced a system called Databus, a real-time database change capture...
Where to deploy flash-based SSD caching to optimize application acceleration
Enhancements to server and storage technology created an I/O performance gap in the enterprise storage network that has since been addressed by...
VMware buys virtual storage company Virsto
VMware is rounding out its new "software-defined data center" strategy with the acquisition of virtual storage company Virsto Software.
Hitachi, EMC and Fujitsu winners as storage market weakens
Growth in the storage market slowed down during the third quarter, but vendors such as Hitachi, EMC and Fujitsu still had a good three months thanks...
STORE: Data storage holiday gift ideas
If you're gadget fans like we are, all of this digital content creation leads us to need more places to store the stuff we're making.
Citrix and NetApp simplify on-premises data sharing
Citrix Systems and NetApp have jointly developed a software and hardware package optimized for Citrix's ShareFile with StorageZones.
Intel announces reference platform for storage servers
Intel on Thursday announced a storage server reference platform that third-party vendors can use to make servers for home entertainment or...
Cloudian hopes to woo enterprises with free edition of storage platform
Cloudian has launched a free, community edition of its software and object-based storage platform, which can store up to 100TB and be integrated with...
Cloudian hopes to woo enterprises with free edition of storage platform
Cloudian has launched a free, community edition of its software and object-based storage platform, which can store up to 100TB and be integrated with...
Ditching Postini, switching to Google Vault
For the 12-strong IT department at Caraustar, a Georgia-based recycled paper packaging company, switching from Google Postini to the Google Vault...