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Missed these Rundgren tunes!


For this topic, one really must include Todd Rundgren's songs from 2000: "I Hate My Frickin' ISP" and "The Surf Talks" (about the internet). Ooh and also the excellent Party Ben mashup "Computer Talk" (Kraftwerk vs Coldplay).

Some TR lyrics:

I Hate My Frickin' ISP (

The reason that I signed up
Is the reason that I hate it
I know she's made her mind up
I just don't know how she's made it
And my dial-up screen has locked me
Into a touchtone tune monotony
Because some snot-nosed pube has blocked me out
And I wait and I wait
And I hate my frickin ISP
He ain't got go bandwidth left for me
And I'll never get back
Never get back the time that I waste
That's what I hate

Live version of ISP at .

party Ben downloads at


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