no way to find an alternative. the independent nation practice every monoplistic approach to safeguard big billionaires and their trade practices. here the way of looking at the actions taken by the guy seems to be predetermined. simple practice of tutioning wife for her betterment is not being taken into confidence.
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Video on arrest
Intel needs a new HR exit plan
Intel should have a better exit plan when an employee leaves work. Get with it Intel.
You do understand -
Dear Satprem - you do understand this nation (the United States) operates under the premise of CAPITALISM, don't you? There are many nations of this world, Russia or China, for instance, where you concept of "fairness" applies.
So, I suppose you work for minimum wage, or less? If you do not, you are as guilty of your comments as anyone else that wants to get ahead in this country.
The man did not have the right to the information, not even to help his wife. It is just another case of a different culture using what is believed to be "okay" but what is called in the USA - cheating, thieving, lying and stealing.
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