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  • The NSA’s weird alphabet soup of code names for secret spy programs and hacker tools

    The NSA’s weird alphabet soup of code names for secret spy programs and hacker tools

    by Ellen Messmer

    Documents leaked by Edward Snowden to the media have revealed the sometimes strange code names.

  • 15 FREE steganography apps for mobile devices

    15 FREE steganography apps for mobile devices

    by Tim Greene And Michael Cooney

    Hide messages within innocent-looking photos and audio files from your phone or tablet

  • 11 tech products we couldn't live without

    11 tech products we couldn't live without

    by Pc World Staff

  • 12 Best Free iOS 7 Holiday Shopping Apps

    12 Best Free iOS 7 Holiday Shopping Apps

    by James A. Martin

    Braving the long lines and crowds for holiday shopping on Black Friday (and beyond)? Use these free iOS7 shopping apps to make your life a little bit easier.

  • 7 items most prized by computer collectors

    7 items most prized by computer collectors

    by Josh Fruhlinger

    There are some things money can buy, some that it can't -- and some that are a joy at a good price.

  • Top Tech Turkeys of 2013

    Top Tech Turkeys of 2013

    by Brandon Butler

    Gobble, gobble - these techies deserve to be carved up

  • Products of the week 11.2513

    Products of the week 11.2513

    by Ellen Messmer

    Our roundup of intriguing new products from companies such as Extreme and BeyondTrust

  • NAS goes outside the box

    NAS goes outside the box

    by Eric Geier

    Reviews of five software-based network attached storage (NAS) products that can be deployed in the cloud, on virtual machines or on the hardware of your choice

  • OS X Mavericks tips and tricks you need to learn

    OS X Mavericks tips and tricks you need to learn

    by Yoni Heisler

  • 15 programming productivity killers

    15 programming productivity killers

    by Peter Wayner

    Meetings, know-nothing managers, productivity metrics -- here's what's threatening to slay the next generation of great software

  • Extreme starts anew after Enterasys buy
  • Top signs that you've been breached
  • Why we are losing the cyber security war and what we can do about it
  • How to prepare for cloud-based enterprise mobility management
  • Hackathons: Innovative business solution or a breeding ground for future competition?
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