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Mobile Device Management tools, best practices, policies, news and reviews

MDM News
How to prepare for cloud-based enterprise mobility management
What’s the fastest, easiest, low-cost way for your organization to achieve multi-platform enterprise mobility management (EMM) without sacrificing...
Using local security to lock down your mobile device
Being able to lock your mobile device is important because, in many cases, it's your first line of defense. It may not be the strongest form of...
CTO's Risky Approach Yields an Innovative Mobile Trading App
TradeMonster uses a hybrid HTML5 approach to develop a mobile app that closely resembles the company's Web trading platform.
BlackBerry shakeup claims operating, marketing and financial chiefs
BlackBerry's chief operating, marketing and financial officers are leaving as recently appointed CEO John Chen makes his mark on the struggling...
FCC's in-flight cellphone plan carries a lot of baggage
Anyone who dreads hearing one end of a loud phone call all the way from Anchorage to Miami, take heart: The plan to allow cellphones on planes could...
AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint to stop charging for most premium text messages
Three major U.S. carriers have agreed not to charge their customers for premium text messages, which have emerged as a route for unauthorized...
Only half of large companies have strong mobile strategies
More than six years after the first iPhones hit the streets and more than three years after the iPad emerged, less than half of IT operations have...
FCC proposes allowing in-flight cellular use on airplanes
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will consider letting passengers use cellular services on airplanes, breaking with a ban that has been in...
Many organizations struggle to define mobile work/play boundaries
The K-12 private education Paideia School in Atlanta now hands out about 550 Apple iPads each year to students for classroom teaching and homework...
Company settles charges it billed mobile users for unwanted services
The owners of an Atlanta company have agreed to settle U.S. Federal Trade Commission charges that they crammed US$10 million worth of charges onto...
Cell-phone mishaps and mysteries from the masses
Real-life smartphone mini-disasters are widespread. They can be maddening and often amusing.
Pinterest tackles mapping with new Place Pins product
Pinterest is tweaking its service on the Web and mobile to make it easier for users to plan trips and locate their content with a new mapping product.
Qualcomm tackling faster LTE, but how fast is up for debate
Mobile device chips coming next year from Qualcomm will be able to use wide spectrum bands that carriers are beginning to patch together with new...
Instagram, finally, debuts on Windows phones
Instagram is now available for Windows phones, some three years after the photo-sharing app's launch, the company announced Wednesday.
Get ready for the 'Internet of customers,' CEO Benioff says
Much has been made about the "Internet of things," but behind every device is a customer, and companies that fail to recognize this do so...
Twitter brings new filters to search on mobile
Google wants you walkin' in its Winter Wonderlabs
Google opened gadget showrooms in six U.S. cities as the holiday shopping season quickly approaches.
Nokia shareholders approve sale of smartphones to Microsoft
More than 99 percent of Nokia's shareholders have voted to approve Microsoft's acquisition of the Finnish company's Devices &...
IT Learns to COPE With Mobile Devices
More than 60 percent of employees say it is OK to transfer work documents to personal devices or online file-sharing apps. Given that statistic,...
Google, Facebook join white-spaces advocacy group
Google and Facebook have joined the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, an international group advocating access to unused spectrum for broadband networks...