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First real glimpse of Apple's iPhone 5

Thinnest, lightest iPhone ever, with Retina display of 326ppi
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Tue, 09/11/12 - 4:52pm.

UPDATE: Here's the full-blown Macworld account of the Apple iPhone 5 news.

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FCC will consider letting passengers use cellular services on planes: Yea or Nay?

Take our poll on latest possible change to cellphone use
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Fri, 11/22/13 - 12:16pm.

The FCC is proposing allowing in-flight cellular use on airplanes. What do you think?



Oh no: Now even computers have more common sense than me

Carnegie Mellon's NEIL project analyzing millions of images to create grandest visual database
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Thu, 11/21/13 - 3:55pm.

Carnegie Mellon University has been running a computer cluster since July that scans the web for images in order to make sense out of them. The project, dubbed Never Ending Image Learner, could pave the way for computers that better understand the visual world in ways that humans often take for granted.

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Cryptolocker: Ransomware on the loose

This malware has PC users worried that crooks will lock up their hard drives and extort payment to free their files. We've aggregated latest news, advice and social media reaction via the Storify tool here
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 11/20/13 - 9:55am.

Yes, Instagram & Twitter users, you are exposing yourselves

Experiment freaks out social media users
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Tue, 11/19/13 - 2:19pm.

We've all been warned about what to allow and not allow our smartphone apps such as Twitter and Instagram and Facebook to share with the world, such as our location. But many app users let it all hang out there, and that's where this video prankster comes in:


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Universities diving into Big Data

UC Berkeley, University of Washington, NYU join forces on $37.8 million project
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Mon, 11/18/13 - 4:02pm.

Educational institutions are increasingly on the case of making sense of growing piles of big data, and the latest data science effort involves UC Berkeley, the University of Washington and

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Survivor: Qubit lasts for 39 minutes in Quantum Computing breakthrough

Quantum computing, which involves using qubits instead of the usual bits representing 1s or 0s, holds the promise of delivering superfast machines in the future
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Fri, 11/15/13 - 4:55pm.

You might be able to get your hands -- but not your head -- around this amazing MIT "dynamic shape display"

inFORM takes 3D modeling to a new level at MIT's Tangible Media Group
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Thu, 11/14/13 - 9:20am.

MIT's Tangible Media Lab has revealed 3D "dynamic shape display" technology that enables you to remotely manipulate objects through a screen or on a table in front of you. The technology could have applications for everything from urban planning/architecture to telemedicine, according to the inFORM team. Words don't do this technology justice, so check out the video below.



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Cisco earnings call transcript in the form of a word cloud

Ever wonder what a Cisco earnings call might look like transformed into a word cloud? Okay, maybe it's just me
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Thu, 11/14/13 - 8:42am.

It's been said that using word clouds is lazy journalism, but I've been trying to come up with some way to spot trends within the gobblygook that is tech industry executive speak. I poured the transcript from Cisco's earnings call with CEO John Chambers and friends into to see if anything jumped out.

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Juniper hires 109-year-old CEO! (well, according to his Wikipedia entry)

Shaygan Kheradpir's experience could go a long way in helping Juniper battle Cisco
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 11/13/13 - 12:31pm.

This new Juniper Networks CEO is a really interesting guy. And a really experienced one, too, according to his Wikipedia entry the morning of his hiring.

As Shaygan Kheradpir's own very up-to-date website notes: he has three degrees from Cornell, has been widely published on electrical engineering topics, holds a handful of patents, helped bring Verizon FiOS to the market and has been a tech honcho at financial giant Barclays in recent years. 

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Steve Jobs inducted into Bay Area Council Business Hall of Fame

Jobs colleague Eddy Cue wins raves for acceptance speech on Jobs' behalf
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Tue, 11/12/13 - 2:47pm.

Credit: Bay Area Council

Steve Jobs earned his fair share of awards during his lifetime (including the National Medal of Technology), and honors continue to come his way even 2 years after

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5-year-old's Sony tablet snub on Jimmy Kimmel show goes "poof!"

Sensitive sponsor likely not happy with off-the-cuff iPad endorsement
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Tue, 11/12/13 - 2:18pm.

Through the magic of video editing, a funny ending to a Jimmy Kimmel Live segment featuring a 5-year-old smartypants who rejected a Sony Xperia tablet has disappeared. As the kid might say, it's harder to find that original ending now than it is to find South Sudan on a map.

Young Arden Hayes wowed Kimmel and his audience with amazing geography knowledge, but when offered a couple of gifts at the end of the show, he rejected a globe puzzle and then a Sony tablet, replying that his family was planning to get an Apple iPad for Christmas.

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Cisco/Insieme news: The industry reacts

Cisco formally unveils its much anticipated response to SDNs
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 11/06/13 - 1:35pm.

Cisco boldly declared Wednesday: "Cisco Pioneers Real-Time Application Delivery in Global Data Centers and Clouds to Enable Greater Business Agility." The rest of the industry tries to translate that into something you and I can understand:

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Georgia Tech takes direct approach to boosting WiFi on campus

School augments Cisco WiFi gear with high-gain directional antennas
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 11/06/13 - 9:35am.

A crush of WiFi devices on campus forced Georgia Tech's IT team to take a different approach to delivering wireless service to students, faculty and staff: a very direct approach at that.

The school has augmented its thousands of omnidirectional Cisco WiFi access points with high-gain directional antennas from Tessco's Ventev division that better focus wireless signals.

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Hapless website gets royal SNL treatment

Opening skit sticks it to Obamacare website fiasco
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 10/30/13 - 8:42am.

SNL sunk its teeth into the website mess on Saturday night, kicking off the show with a skit featuring Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius offering solutions for the technical difficulties some folks have been running into with the Obamacare centerpiece.

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Twitter heats up during World Series: Did Drew Get A Hit?

Twitter account tracks Red Sox shortstop's batting futility
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Mon, 10/28/13 - 2:35pm.

For those of us watching the World Series intently, precious little time is left for anything else these days (though mercifully, the late starting games haven't lasted as long as typical Red Sox games so far). That makes Twitter a godsend, allowing us to digest the most important news of the day in 140 characters or less.

Among the must-follow accounts, , which savages one half of the most headache-inducing broadcasting team in sports one inane comment at a time.

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Hall of Fame: Time to nominate top women in science/tech

Women in Technology International Hall of Fame Award nominations open till Jan. 15
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Mon, 10/28/13 - 10:50am.

Women In Technology International (WITI) has opened the nomination process for its 19 annual Women in Science and Technology Hall of Fame Awards. 


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Drones! Learn how you too can be shut down by the federal government

Professor holds court among journalists on using drones for reporting
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Fri, 10/18/13 - 8:59am.

The many impacts of the federal government shutdown have been well chewed over in recent weeks, but here’s one you probably didn’t think about: It could delay use of drones by news organizations to do reporting.

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Gold is the new Black: Chinese Food "music" video goes viral

Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Tue, 10/15/13 - 12:42pm.

From what I can tell, those in the IT industry mainly eat "their own dog food," to quote pretty much every vendor marketing person ever.

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Higgs boson bandwagon gets crowded in wake of Nobel Prize in Physics news

Universities scramble to get their credit
Submitted by Alpha Doggs on Wed, 10/09/13 - 12:15pm.

This week's news that researchers Francois Englert and Peter Higgs are the 2013 recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physics for their predictions about the Higgs boson's existence has generated a swarm of follow-up announcements by universities looking to get their du

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